Even for the most minor cosmetic cases, there is so much your dentist can do to make you never want to stop smile!
The beauty of cosmetic dentistry is that there are so many options to choose from to improve even the most minor imperfections. The tiniest chips or slightest stains covering your teeth can be worked out with ease, and with the sheer variety of treatment options on offer, it’s likely a dentist can find the perfect treatments for you. With our cosmetic dentists being some of the most revered across the North West, it’s incredible to look at how a smile can be improved so much in such a short amount of time.
One of our youngest, but most ambitious, cosmetic dentists at Synergy Dental Group is Dr Aunkit Vaja, and he loves transforming his patient’s smiles for the better. He’s got a keen eye for how to make the best of a bad situation, so we’re lucky enough to share a unique insight into a recent patient he treated for various cosmetic issues. The patient in question enquired with Synergy Dental about the concerns he was having with his smile. As you can see from the before images, the patients had a noticeable chip in his tooth and his teeth were not aligned correctly. He was booked in for a short consultation with Aunkit to discuss his concerns and talk about the options available.
Stage one: consultation and ClinCheck©
Aunkit met with the patient shortly after to check out his teeth and oral health. It was clear to him that the patient’s teeth did not need serious alteration, but felt some minor cosmetic touch-ups would greatly improve his self-esteem in general. Aunkit proposed having a basic Invisalign© treatment to reshape the teeth. Not only would minor changes to the alignment of the teeth help his confidence, but it would also make the bite more comfortable and less likely to chip or grind any of the teeth in future. Along with this, Aunkit suggested having a simple composite bonding treatment to fill in the chipped tooth and Enlighten© whitening to ensure the teeth were aesthetically stunning.

The patient was happy with the suggestions Aunkit put forward and was excited to get started! First – the ClinCheck©. The ClinCheck© is a very exciting and innovative way to analysing the teeth ready for your orthodontic treatment. Invisalign© will then use the images your dentist has taken to predict what the outcome of your smile will be through the special 3D imaging software. It gets even better…this patient’s treatment didn’t require any impressions! Instead, Aunkit used an intraoral scanner to assess the inside of the patient’s mouth, and this scan was used to make any aligners custom fit perfectly for the patient.
Stage two: cosmetic Enlighten© treatment
The next stage of the patient’s treatment involved having a course Enlighten©, which is a very versatile treatment with parts being completed at home and in practice. Aunkit arranged for the patient to come into the practice to discuss how the treatment would be carried out step-by-step.
The patient was given his custom mouth trays along with everything else he needed to complete his teeth bleaching journey. He was instructed to use Enlighten’s© own tooth sensitivity toothpaste morning and night in anticipation of the bleaching. This prepares the teeth so less sensitivity is felt throughout the process.

The patient was told to add a pee-size amount of the gel inside each tooth on the custom tray – although you should never completely fill the tray. This should be worn while you sleep at night and removed in the morning. After use, make sure to brush your teeth with the special toothpaste and rinse the trays with cold water (never hot water). He was also advised to store the bleaches inside the fridge to keep them cool as this reduces sensitivity even more. The first bleach he was told to use was a 10% syringe which was clear in colour, and the second was 16% and blue. Each syringe should last the patient a week each.
After the home process had been completed, Aunkit finished the treatment by using a stronger, final peroxide to finish up any areas that may have been missed. This ensures the teeth are looking nice, white, and ready for the next steps in the treatment plan.
Stage three: Cosmetic composite bonding
The final treatment involved in the patient’s plan was composite bonding. This is to simply fill in the small chip that the patient had in the front of his tooth. It is one of the most cost-effective treatments offered from cosmetic dentists, and Aunkit’s patient was fixed-up in just one appointment. During his appointment, the composite resin was attached to the chipped area. The resin is moulded and shaped to the perfect fit, and it is hardened with a curing light for an easy fit. That’s it!

After the treatment was completed, Aunkit ran the patient through some post-treatment care advice. The instructions were simple and clear, such as avoiding biting hard foods on your front teeth, avoid stain-prone foods, and brush twice daily – don’t forget the floss!
Stage five: cosmetic transformation
The last appointment is the most important appointment for the dentist and the patient. Both get to see the final transformation of the smile, and, for this patient, the change was incredible! He no longer had a smile he felt ashamed about. His teeth were shaped much better, looked much whiter, and his nasty chip was a thing of the past. Just take a look at the transformation!

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