What is intravenous sedation?
Intravenous sedation helps to keep you relaxed during your visit. It is different from general anaesthetic (which renders you unconscious) because it allows you to remain awake and able to respond to questions. A sedative agent will be introduced to your bloodstream to relax the body and numb the nerves, making you unable to feel pain.
Why might I need intravenous sedation?
At Synergy, we know severe fear and anxiety around visiting the dentist can be a barrier for some people. Instead of letting your oral health suffer due to fear of seeing the dentist, intravenous sedation can help you to relax whilst staying awake for your visit.
We may also use intravenous sedation for surgical treatments to reduce pain.
Is intravenous sedation safe?
Intravenous sedation is completely safe and will be performed by a qualified member of Synergy staff who will remain on hand throughout the treatment.

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